Tim Pool Follow-Up: What’s the Deal with the Dominick Black Gun Charge?
It’s come to my attention that some folks with a limited grasp of how the law works were confused by some of my commentary regarding the Dominick Black gun charge during my recent appearance on the Tim Pool IRL. Always on the lookout for a teachable moment, I thought I’d take few minutes to bring […]
Rittenhouse: Can Kyle Avoid Being Sued Under WI Self-Defense Immunity Law?
Kyle Rittenhouse has been acquitted of all the criminal charges against him, the only possible verdict consistent with justice in a case with this evidence and law. Having been acquitted in criminal court, he is now free of any possible criminal liability for his actions in lawfully defending himself on August 25, 2020. Now, however, […]
Rittenhouse: Atty. Andrew Branca on Fox News, Laura Ingraham Show
Atty. Andrew Branca on Fox News, Laura Ingraham Show
Rittenhouse Acquittal: Atty. Andrew Branca w/ Megyn Kelly as Verdict Read
Rittenhouse Acquittal: Atty. Andrew Branca w/ Megyn Kelly as Verdict Read
KYLE’S LAW: Stopping Politically Motivated Prosecutions of Self-Defense
Hey folks, I’m Attorney Andrew Branca, for Law of Self Defense, and I’d like to take just a moment to talk with you about Kyle’s Law, our proposed law for stopping politically motivated prosecutions of self-defense. Too often, rogue prosecutors bring felony criminal charges against people who were clearly doing nothing more than defending themselves, […]
This was, of course, the only verdict consistent with the evidence, with the law, and with justice. The State never had anything even close to disproving self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt, no case that a reasonable jury could possibly convict on, and despite that they brutalized this poor kid for a second time in this […]
Atty. Andrew Branca on Dana Loesch Show: Rittenhouse Trial
Atty. Andrew Branca on Dana Loesch Show: Rittenhouse Trial
Atty. Andrew Branca: Rittenhouse Trial FOX Radio Interview
Atty. Andrew Branca: Rittenhouse Trial FOX Radio Interview
Rittenhouse VERDICT WATCH: Suspect A Rogue Juror, #54, Foreperson, Is Holding Back Acquittal
Today completed the third day of jury deliberations in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, with no verdict being achieved before the jury was sent home for the day. There wasn’t much real action today, with the exception of a couple of notable events, and my own increasing belief that we’re dealing with a single hold-out […]
Rittenhouse Verdict Watch Mayhem – Lawyers Fight Over Drone Videos, Requests For Mistrial
Today completed the second day of jury deliberations in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, with no verdict being achieved before the jury was sent home for the day.The jury deliberations take place in private, of course, so we can only speculate as to what discussions are taking place amongst the 12 jurors. That doesn’t mean […]
Rittenhouse Trial: Defense Delivers A Disappointingly Weak Closing Argument
The closing statements are now done in the Rittenhouse trial, and the jury will now begin deliberations—although not until tomorrow morning. That means, of course, that we’ll be launching or VERDICT WATCH blog post in the morning at Legal Insurrection, so keep your eyes there for breaking news on a verdict. And with that, let’s […]