Rittenhouse Attorney John Pierce Interviewed on Tucker Carlson

Hey folks,

The following is not my own content, of course, but rather is an embed of the interview of Kyle Rittenhouse’s attorney John Pierce being interviewed on Tucker Carlson.  I post the embed here for purposes of completeness of our coverage, and for educational and informational purposes. All copyright in this substantive content is, naturally, that of Fox News.


Attorney Andrew F. Branca
Law of Self Defense LLC

5 thoughts on “Rittenhouse Attorney John Pierce Interviewed on Tucker Carlson”

  1. I would say Kyle is being charged for the same reason the McCloskeys and the McMichaels were, and that was for political purposes. The law abiding citizens are being served up to the mob as a sacrifice to appease the mob to prevent further riots. Giving in to bullies doesn’t work and we are seeing evidence of that all over the country. These riots will continue until our employees who are paid to enforce the law step up and enforce the law. If we simply can’t afford to put all these people in prision, I guess we will have to bring back the stocks and the whipping post, or change the law to justify or excuse the use deadly force in defense of liberty and property.

  2. Never heard these facts in the News that his atty brings out, why is that? It doesn’t forward the narrative of the other side. I have heard persons armed, as Kyle was, being tagged as “Vigilantes”, but the the Vigilantes were the attackers running after him, seeking him out, attacking him in numbers.

    1. Attorney Andrew Branca

      The term “vigilante” in this context is a political term, not a legal term. The word “vigilante” appears nowhere in Wisconsin statutory law, nor anywhere in Wisconsin case law (court decisions).

      My guess is that “vigilante” is the term that Kyle-haters use when they find they are unable to identify any actual indefensible criminal conduct on his part.


      Attorney Andrew F. Branca
      Law of Self Defense LLC

  3. nicholasritchison

    This is going to continue until we as united states citizens stand up for our country our people our rights …I say great job Kyle Rittenhouse you have done what few have the courage to do ….we need more people like Kyle…this country has turned into a farce and a joke where u get charged or persecuted because someone ain’t happy with u …until all this nonsense stops we will continue seeing this nonsense where are constitutional rights are being infringed upon

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